I am trying to set up this site on Web1.0 Hosting. Sorry for all of the mess.


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Compatibility mode | Switch to swirl mode (close to finishing) | Mid-2000s type (Not finished) | Version Switcher | Warp Mode | ??????????????????? |

Languages (to be developed):

English | Español | Deutsch | 日本語 | عربي | Русский | Português | 中国人 | 한국인 | Français | Pirate Speak


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Version: 3.2 Release (Dev ID 3.2.2)

Contact LukasZone2003@hotmail.com For any questions or comments related to Lukas Zone.


  I am bad at making fun facts...

Be sure to contact Lukas!

AIM (through Pheonix sadly): lukasataol
MSN (through Escargot): lukas4667@escargot.chat
ICQ (through Nina): 54352
ICQ (through Ye Olde ICQ): 26754


Current mood:

The current mood of LukasZone at www.imood.com 

Recent update from Owler